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Improvement Tips

African Violets

African Violets

Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia

Button fern

Button fern

Pellaea rotundifolia

Lace Flower Vine

Lace Flower Vine

Alsobia dianthiflora

Maidenhair fern

Maidenhair fern

Adiantum raddianum

Staghorn Fern

Staghorn Fern

Platycerium superbum

Creeping fig

Creeping fig

Ficus pumila

Kangaroo Fern

CKangaroo Fern

Microsorum diversifolium

English Ivy

English Ivy

Hedera helix

Begonia hirsuta

Begonia hirsuta

Begonia hirsuta

Baby Tears

Baby Tears

Baby Tears

Begonia Tiger Paw

Begonia Tiger Paw

Rhizomatous Begonia

Cretan Brake

Cretan Brake

Cretan Brake

Lemon Button

Lemon Button

Lemon Button




Neoregelia sp

Neoregelia sp


Philodendron narrow

Philodendron narrow

Philodendron narrow

Philodendron micans

Philodendron micans

Philodendron hederaceum

Rabbit Foot Fern

Rabbit Foot Fern

Davallia Fejeensis

Wax Plant

Wax Plant

Hoya lacunosa

Silver Lace Fern

Silver Lace Fern

Pteris Quadriaurita




Begonia mazae

Begonia mazae

Begonia mazae

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Birds nest fern
Rhizomatous Begonia

The Bird’s Nest Fern, native to tropical regions, thrives on trees in rainforests. Indoors, its leaves reach up to 2 feet, shorter than the 5 feet possible outdoors. Start with a small plug on the tevaplanter, Bird’s nest ferns thrive in bright, indirect light. It prefers consistent moisture, so mount it on the lower-mid section and maintain a high water level. It adapts well to the tevaplanter, making it an excellent choice for enthusiasts.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Begonia mazae
Pteris Quadriaurita

We grew a few types of Begonias and this Begonia mazae was one of the easiest Begonia for us to grow on the tevaplanter. This type of begonia is more like a miniature plant where it won’t grow very big and will grow relatively fast. Its important to give it time in the beginning to recover from the initial replanting shock. It’s also important to place the vessel in a well lit area with a bit of direct sunlight.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid Section

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Monstera adansonii
Pteris Quadriaurita

On this tevaplanter we mounted 3 different plants together: Monstera adansonii, Raphidophora tetraspema and a Epipremnum aureum Njoy. The Epipremnum aureum Njoy did not fair so well on the tevaplanter during our testing but the Monstera adansonii & Raphidophora tetraspema took very well to its new home. These plants becomes large with time, much larger in proportion to the tevaplanter which may not be to everyone’s liking. These plants enjoy a lot of water and a good amount of bright indirect light. You can start your grow by replanting from a young plant or by stem cuttings.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Silver Lace Fern
Pteris Quadriaurita

This plant comes from Southeast Asia, in nature it grows in a tropical & sub-tropical environment and is very suitable to grow indoors. This ferns roots likes constant moisture therefor we recommend to plant it at the lower/mid part of the vessel and always make sure that the vessel never completely dries out. The first period after planting is a delicate period and requires patience to see success. The plant takes time to recover from the transition and to get used to its new home. After a few months it will start to grow roots on the surface and will become bigger & stronger.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid Section

Growth Speed 1-2 Months

Partial Shade

58ºF (14ºC) to 78ºF (25ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Wax Plant
Hoya lacunosa

In the wild Hoya plants grow on the trees, climbing along the stem and taking root in different places. The Hoya family is very diverse, we chose to grow Hoya lacunosa as it has small leaves which suits the shape of the tevaplanter. We recommend to start growing a Hoya plant from cuttings or the mother-plant methods. If you chose to grow through cuttings, make sure to cut a long stem and if there are root tips showing it will be much easier and faster for the plant to grow and take hold of the vessel. Make sure to place the plant in a very lit area with short periods of direct sunlight. It is really easy but requires patience, nature has its own time.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

68ºF (20ºC) to 78ºF (25ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Rabbit Foot Fern
Davallia Fejeensis

The Rabbit foot fern is a creeping fern native to Fiji. It can handle a wide range of temperature from cool to hot. Its a plant that enjoys partial to full shade lighting. There are two methods to start growing the Rabbit foot fern on the Tevaplanter vessel; replanting and cuttings. For the fastest and easiest grow we recommend to mount your Rabbit foot fern with the replanting method. It will take a few months for the plant to establish itself to grab hold and start growing but with time the plant will grow and cover the entire vessel. As with most ferns, it is necessary to not let the vessel completely dry out.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Philodendron micans
Philodendron hederaceum

The Philodendron micans is a very beautiful plant which has velvety heart shaped leaves. This plant enjoys bright indirect light as well as high humidity in its environment. You can start growing it on your tevaplanter vessel by three different methods: stem cutting, replanting and mother planting. If you start from stem cuttings, make sure to cut a long enough piece with root tips showing from the hips. The Philodendron micans enjoys a wet surface, so mounting it on the lower/middle section of your vessel would be best for a great and successful growing experience.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Philodendron narrow
Philodendron narrow

We start to grow our philadendrun from a very small plug. Its much easier to start growing from a small plant on the tevaplanter and also when starting with a small plant, it grows relative to the shape of the vessel. Philodendrons are native to South America and can be found in rainforests, swamps and along riverbanks which is why the tevaplanter is a perfect fit. It’s an easy to grow plant for indoors, with time it will grow into a large plant and will be a beautiful and unique decor in any living space.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Neoregelia sp

Neoregelias sp is part of the Bromeliad family which comes in a large variety of all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors. The Bromeliad as well as the Neoregelias sp are an epiphytic plant which you can find growing on trees. The Bromeliad usually do not grow in soil which means its roots needs to be exposed to air. They are a very good fit for the tevaplanter, the first period after replanting is the most probelamtic time for the plant. It may take a long time until the plant grows new roots (sometimes it can take even a few months). We recommend to mount the Bromeliad with the cutting method as we saw the best progress but replanting is another great and easy option. *Tip* Choose a plant that is showing the beggining of a new growth, it will root much quicker.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Raphidophora tetraspema
Raphidophora tetraspema

On this tevaplanter we mounted 3 different plants together: Monstera adansonii, Raphidophora tetraspema and a Epipremnum aureum Njoy. The Epipremnum aureum Njoy did not fair so well on the tevaplanter during our testing but the Monstera adansonii & Raphidophora tetraspema took very well to its new home. These plants becomes large with time, much larger in proportion to the tevaplanter which may not be to everyone’s liking. These plants enjoy a lot of water and a good amount of bright indirect light. You can start your grow by replanting from a young plant or by stem cuttings.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Lemon Button
Nephrolepis cordifolia “Duffii”

Nephrolepis cordifolia “Duffii” / Lemon button fern – Suitable for a variety of lighting conditions; from shade to a gentle morning or afternoon sun as well as direct bright light. A lover of moisture and irrigation but can thrive as well in average humidity. Very suitable for planting on the tevaplanter, you can plant a mature plant or several plugs for a lush look in a short amount of time. It is recommended to plant in the central-lower part of the vessel, from where it will climb upwards until it reaches full coverage. To maintain the full and fresh look, make sure to provide your lemon button fern with fertilizer once a month.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth speed 2-3 months

Bright Light

55ºF to (13ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Cretan Brake
Pteris cretica

The Cretan brake is an easy to grow plant, native to Europe, Asia and Africa. This ferns roots likes constant moisture therefor we recommend to plant it at the lower/mid part of the vessel and always make sure that the vessel never completely dries out. The first period after planting is a delicate period and requires patience to see success. The plant takes time to recover from the transition and to get used to its new home. After a few months it will start to grow roots on the surface and will become bigger & stronger.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Begonia Tiger Paw
Rhizomatous Begonia

The Tiger paw is a beautiful begonia which you can start growing on your tevaplanter vessel with two methods, replanting and leaf cuttings. Leafe cuttings is an interesting method to start from but can take many months to develop into a mature plant. We recommend to find a small plant and gently replant it on the low-mid part of the vessel. The plant may go into shock for the first month or two after replanting but with time it will acclimate to its new home. Begonias are tropical and sub-tropical plants that usually needs high humidity in the air and a warm environment. Not recommended for beginners.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 6+ Months

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

Baby Tears
Soleirolia soleirolii

Baby tears enjoys humidity and prefers to grow in a shady environment. It’s a beautiful houseplant and a great choice to grow on the tevaplanter. The methods to start growing it is by replanting and the idea is to gently separate the soil from the roots while trying to keep the roots whole and safe. Later, try to flatten the shape of the roots as much as possible and mount it on the moist surface of the tevaplanter. Secure it with rubber bands and keep the tevaplanter moist in a light and airy environment.

Experience Growers

Placement Lower-Mid Section

Growth Speed 3-4 Weeks

Partial Shade - Bright Light

50ºF (10ºC) to 70ºF (21ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Begonia hirsuta
Begonia hirsuta

This Begonia hirsuta is not very common and can be hard to find but if you manage to find a few seeds you’ll be able to grow an impressive plant. Generally begonias are a very big family of plants, some of them are suitable to grow on the tevaplanter and some not. This specific begonia is very tolerant and it’s easily growing, flowering and seeding herself on the tevaplanter. There are 3 methods to start growing: seeds (mixed into fine-soil), replanting and stem cut.

Experience Growers

Placement Low & Mid part

Growth Speed 1-2 Month

Bright Light - Partial sun

68ºF (20ºC) to 78ºF (25ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Hedera helix
Hedera helix

English ivy is a hardy, climbing plant known for its air cleaning qualities. it’s a slow grower but once established can grow pretty quickly. It can handle almost any lighting but would appreciate bright light with a bit of early morning sun. It’s best to place the English ivy in the lower-mid part of the tevaplanter and start growing it with the mother plant method. This plant will grow very large and will need pruning.

Experience Growers

Placement Lower-Mid

Growth Speed 2-3 Months

Partial shade -Bright light

50ºF (10ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Kangaroo Fern
Microsorum diversifolium

This fern is one of our favorite plants, originally grown in Australia this creeping plant grows both in soil and on tree trunks. The Kangaroo fern loves its roots consistently moist, which is why we recommend planting it at the bottom of the tevaplanter and never let the vessel dry. Over time the plant roots will take hold and the plant will start growing upwards covering the tevaplanter completely. The first period after planting is stressfull for the plant and will take longer than a month or two for the plant to get used to its new home and start growing.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid - Lower

Growth Speed 2-3 Months

Partial Shade - Bright light

50ºF (10ºC) to 100ºF (37ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Creeping fig
Ficus pumila

Ficus pumila is a climbing plant which grows roots along the stem. Pumila means dwarf and the name is in reference to the size of the leaves, in fact this plant could cover an entire wall over time and will need pruning on the tevaplanter after a period. The plant originates from East Asia and prefers to grow in a humid environment. From our experience, we recommend to let the water level in the vessel drop to allow roots to dry out. After the plant has taken root, it is even possible to leave the vessel partially full. Grow in a bright and airy place. A really nice and beautiful plant.

Experience Growers

Placement Low-Mid part

Growth Speed 1-2 Month

Bright Indirect Light

55ºF (13ºC) to 75ºF (24ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Staghorn Fern
Platycerium superbum

The Platycerium superbum comes from the staghorn fern family and is one of the coolest plants! In the wild it grows on tree trunks, they grow into very large plants, much larger than the tevaplanter. We planted a small one as an experiment, it was interesting to see how it grew on the tevaplanter over the years. During the year, the plants have an active period for growth and a stagnant period for rest. During the growing period the plant needs more water and fertilizer, so you should keep in mind to fill the vessel more often.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid Section

Growth Speed 3-4 Month

Partial Shade - Bright Light

55ºF (13ºC) to 85ºF (30ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Maidenhair fern
Adiantum raddianum

Adiantum is part of a very large family of ferns, they grow all over the world and each one is slightly different. The Adiantum is a very beautiful and beloved houseplants but tend to dry out and die suddenly. Usually the problem is dehydration. In nature it grows near a water source and thrives on its wet surroundings which keeps its roots always moist. We recommend to mount it at the lower part of the tevaplanter vessel and try to keep the water level high without ever letting the tevaplanter vessel dry out.

Experience Growers

Placement Low & Mid part

Growth Speed 2-3 Month

Partial shade - Bright light

50ºF (10ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Lace Flower Vine
Alsobia dianthiflora

The Lace flower vine is a creeping plant originally from Central and South America. It is possible to start growing an Alsobia on the tevaplanter with three different methods; replanting, mother plant or cuttings. Cuttings would be the most difficult method to start with. If you choose to use the cutting method, we recommend cutting a long piece which has roots showing. This plant does not need much water and it would be good to let the water level drop, which gives the roots time to dry. This plant has nice white flowers which blooms often in the good lighting condition

Experience Growers

Placement All Over

Growth Speed 1-2 Weeks

Partial Sun

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Once A Month

Button fern
Pellaea rotundifolia

This ferns roots likes constant moisture therefor we recommend to plant it at the lower/mid part of the vessel and always make sure that the vessel never completely dries out. The first period after replanting is a delicate period and requires patience to see success. The plant takes time to recover from the transition and to get used to its new home. After a few months it will start to grow roots on the surface and will become bigger & stronger.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid-Upper

Growth Speed 1+ Years

Partial Shade - Bright Light

60ºF to (15ºC) to 80ºF (26ºC)

Fertilize Every 2-3 Weeks

African Violets
Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia

African violet comes from the high rainforests of East Africa, where it grows in the shade of other plants and the humidity conditions are high. In nature the African violet grows in moist soil and even on rock surfaces. The key to a thriving African violet on the tevaplanter is to keep the surface moist and the leaves dry. Although it is a plant adapted to shade, it is recommended to place in a very bright area without direct sunlight to encourage flowering. It should be fertilized every other week to accelerate growth during the growing season to preserve the color of the leaves and encourage flowering. You can start growing African violets on the tevaplanter by either leaf cuttings (slow process) or replanting.

Experience Growers

Placement Mid Section

Growth speed 2-3 months

Bright Light

60ºF (15ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC)

Fertilize Every Other Week